Hoy recogemos las Jornadas que se van a realizar en marzo en el marco del proyecto DESIREE "Decision Support and Information Management System for Breast Cancer" en la reunión plenaria organizada por Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris. En el Hôpital Saint-Louis.
Durante estas jornadas se continuará con la fase de validación de la plataforma y con el objeto de dar a conocer los resultados del proyecto y compartir las experiencias en el ámbito del cáncer de mama, participaran:
Nora Benhabiles PhD, EMBA, Director of the Industrial Partnerships and External Collaborations of the Fundamental Research Division in CEA (French Atomic Energy Agency), Member of the supervisory board of EIT Health representing the French EIT Health academics and member of the board of CEA Investment funds).
Presentará el proyecto ITFoC "will establish a standardised and well-validated approach for virtual patient modelling in oncology, through comparative analysis of computational model approaches for predicting patient response to treatment based on molecular data (e.g. exome/transcriptome/metabolome) from individual patients and tumours. Existing and newly generated large scale molecular and clinical datasets on (triple negative) breast cancer patients from across Europe, as well as ongoing data standard initiatives, will be leveraged to provide standardised and validated datasets, accessible via a common database."
Julien Guérin Institut Curie, Paris with expertise in Information Science, Information Systems (Business Informatics)
Dr Alain Livartowski Doctor in the Department of Oncology - Institut Curie and a member of the Thorax Institute.
Desde el Instituto Marie Curie de París Julien Guérin y Dr. Alain Livartowski presentaran la experiencia en Inteligencia artificial (AI) , Big Data y Apoyo en la toma de decisiones (CDS).
"Big data et intelligence artificielle : une révolution annoncée" Dans le domaine de l’aide au diagnostic et de la prédiction de la réponse au traitement, ou afin de mieux déterminer le risque de récidive, il s’agit d’utiliser les technologies de machine learning*, et du deep learning* pour l’analyse automatique des dossiers médicaux, des images et des données génomiques notamment.
Ces nouvelles approches soulèvent d’emblée des questions : sommes-nous capables d’extraire des données exploitables pour faire progresser nos connaissances ? Préalablement à cette exploitation, de nombreux problèmes doivent être résolus : d’ordre juridique comme l’accès aux données, les problèmes de confidentialité et de consentement du patient ; d’ordre technique comme la qualité des données sources, leur interopérabilité et leur intégration. Se poseront ensuite les questions de l’évaluation de ces aides à la décision et de leur appropriation par le monde médical.
Les grands centres hospitaliers à travers le monde ont un rôle majeur à jouer dans cette transformation car ils concentrent les bases de données les plus riches et les plus proches de la réalité clinique. C’est le cas à l’Institut Curie, riche de 500 000 dossiers patients et pionnier dans l’informatisation des données cliniques. Pour faire face aux besoins de nouvelles compétences et technologies de pointe, une direction des data a été créée en 2017 avec une mission claire: la gestion de notre transformation numérique."...
Dr Serge Uzan Directeur de l’Institut Universitaire de Cancérologie, Conseiller du Président de Sorbonne Université
Expondrá los trabajos realizados en el ámbito "Risk management platform in oncology"
Professor Serge Uzan, director of the University Institute of Oncology,
talks about the successes of this multidisciplinary structure that
brings together the research, care and training in the fight against
cancer. The University Institute of Oncology (IUC) was created in 2012 to bring together the care, research and teaching forces dedicated to oncology at Sorbonne University. We have several hospital care sites, including La Pitié-Salpêtrière, Charles Foix, Saint-Antoine, Tenon, Rothschild, and Trousseau, as well as many research units devoted to work related to cancer
Suzette DELALOGE, MD MSc, is Associate Professor of Medical Oncology and Head of Breast Cancer Department at Gustave Roussy Institute, Paris, France.
Presentara el proyecto "Personalising Breast cancer Screening, MyPeBS project"
MyPeBS (My Personal Breast Screening) is a unique international project, funded by the European Union. It investigates whether a personalised breast cancer screening could be a better screening option for women aged 40 to 70.
MyPeBS is a European research project that aims to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of personalised breast cancer screening, one that is based on the personal risk of developing breast cancer for each individual woman.
To meet such a goal, at MyPeBS’s core is a multi-centre, international, randomised clinical study that will recruit 85,000 women from Belgium, France, Israel, Italy and the United Kingdom.
This study will compare the current standard breast screening with a personalised strategy, which screens women at higher risk of breast cancer more often, and women at a lower risk of breast cancer less often.
The goal of this study is to answer a simple, yet fundamental, question: is it better to personalise the method and frequency of breast screening based on a woman’s individual risk?
MyPeBS is coordinated by Unicancer, a large non-for profit French national federation of hospitals dedicated to oncology and a major European academic sponsor in oncology. The project overall is supervised and controlled by an Executive Committee comprised of key actors of the project, and any decision affecting the governance, composition or financing of the Consortium is taken by a General assembly where each partner is represented.
Nicole Zernik, présidente d'Europa Donna France. Coalition européenne contre le cancer du sein
Poniendo la voz a las pacientes de cáncer de mama, compartirá la experiencia "Breast Cancer Management from the eyes of patients"
Este proyecto ha recibido fondos de la Unión Europea en el marco del programa de investigación e innovación Horizon 2020 con el número de acuerdo de subvención 690238.
This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programmme under grant agreement No 690238.