LUCIA – LUng Cancer-related risk factors and their Impact Assessment

From 2023 to 2027, LUCIA will work to contribute to the EU Mission Cancer along with other projects and researchers across Europe. We will focus on the risks associated with developing Lung Cancer and its subtypes, as well as the methods best suited for prompt diagnoses.

The approach includes:

  • - Using data health, lifestyle, and environment data from medical records, biobanks, and from large-scale epidemiological and clinical studies.
  • - Using AI, imagine, and wearables, among other technologies, to investigate the impact and interplay between genetic predispositions, lifestyle factors, and environmental stressors in the development of lung cancer.
  • - Investigating cellular pathways adjusted to lung cancer subtypes.
  • - Developing Value-Based Care Models to provide data-driven recommendations to guide screening recommendations.
  • - Contributing to the creation of new guidelines that identify evidence-backed risk factors.

LUCIA’s 22-member consortium is led by Technion University (Israel). It includes partners from across Europe specialising in lung cancer research, diagnostic technologiesAI ethics and legal frameworks, and EU policy. In addition, four implementing hospitals from Belgium (Walloon region), Latvia, and Spain (Andalusia and Basque regions), will be involved.

Be sure to follow us on Web  LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram to learn more about our research and findings over the next four years!


The LUCIA project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 101096473. 


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