Los trabajos se encuentran alineados con la realización del seguimiento portátil de los parámetros cardiológicos clave.
En el proyecto GoCardio se proponen innovaciones tecnológicas tanto a nivel de Hardware como a nivel de Software. El objetivo es monitorizar parámetros electrofisiológicos y de actividad cardiológica de manera portátil.
En el área de la electrofisiología, comparándolo con otros sistemas portátiles, GoCardio aporta sustanciales mejoras. Por un lado, optimiza el posicionamiento de los electrodos y la electrónica, perfeccionando así la relación señal ruido. Por otro, se implementan los algoritmos de procesamiento para obtener parámetros de interés más concretos.

De bajo consumo
Integrado con el resto del sistema
Las imágenes que aquí aparecen son propiedad de nuestros colaboradores tecnológicos del proyecto CEIT (Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Técnicas)
Noticias relacionadas: Diario Vasco
Publicación Científica: GoCardio – A novel approach for mobility in cardiac monitoring
Remote cardiac monitoring of patients helps to improve their quality of life, as it avoids frequent commuting to the health center. Patients are thus able to continue with their everyday life while at the same time they remain non-intrusively monitored. However, current solutions in remote cardiac monitoring are not massively
ound, due in part to their high price, as well as the difficulties encountered when deploying them in real world clinical environments. In this paper we present the general overview of a novel telemonitoring system for cardiologic patients, covering both the hardware and software perspectives. Our main objective is to provide an economically feasible solution that preserves quality and efficacy. At the sensor level, we propose an innovative easy-to-wear hardware system that measures the complete 12 ECG leads and the activity patterns of patients. We also propose the architecture of a modular software solution for supporting patient monitoring. Our system offers advanced visualization capabilities mainly based on Visual Analytics techniques and also mining of the collected cardiac data. Our approach is still in its development phase and hence in this article we introduce the basic concepts that have been taken into account for the implementation of the first prototypes.