"The forum will take place 24th -26th September 2013, in the Louis De Geer Consert & Congress, Norrköping, Sweden. The AAL Forum is the annual platform for the increasing European AAL community to meet and discuss several topics, relevant for improving the AAL JP as well as the adoption of AAL solutions in the market. The 4 main themes for this year’s forum will be:
A – Autonomy, choice and control – AAL solutions impact on individuals – autonomy and ability to choose how to spend their days and live their lives.
B – The ageing society – end-user studies and inclusion – Older adults as a collective and integrated part of the society.
C – AAL and the economy – Economic aspects of AAL solutions – economic growth through new ideas, a new branch and new solutions
D – Programmes and policies in Europe – AAL on the European level – implementation and policy strategies."
"Este trabajo se desarrolla en el marco del proyecto KRONOS , cofinanciado por la SPRI/Gobierno Vasco en el marco de la concocatoria ETORGAI. El/Los Autor/es quiere/n agradecer el conocimiento y las contribuciones de los miembros del consorcio"