DESIREE Blog: " External radiation or brachytherapy is one of the treatment methods against breast cancer. As all therapies, radiation is linked with side effects. Utmost goal during the treatment with radiation is to maximize the benefit for the patient (efficacy of the treatment) while sparing other vital organs from radiation that could lead to organ’s toxicity.

With the help of such modelling, radiation oncologists can simulate and predict the outcome of any radiation treatment schema. Via treatment simulation, the best radiation treatment plan can be chosen and applied to a given patient.
Este proyecto ha recibido fondos de la Unión Europea en el marco del programa de investigación e innovación Horizon 2020 con el número de acuerdo de subvención 690238.
Los autores quieren agradecer el conocimiento y las contribuciones de los miembros del consorcio.
The authors wish to thank all consortium members the knowledge and
Este proyecto ha recibido fondos de la Unión Europea en el marco del programa de investigación e innovación Horizon 2020 con el número de acuerdo de subvención 690238.
This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programmme under grant agreement No 690238.