Bilbomatica attended COSINE, where the project DESIREE was presented with the participation of many partners.
Multiscale modelling and decision support applied to breast cancer management the DESIREE project:
- Barbara Bass (Houston Methodist Hospital)
Clinical needs of Breast Cancer Units.
- Ivan Macia (Vicomtech-IK4)
Overview of DESIREE project.
- John Winder (University of Ulster)
Image-based breast and tumour characterization.
- Remi Salmon (Department of Computer Science, University of Houston )
Predictive and Multiscale Modelling.
- Brigitte Séroussi and Jacques Bouaud (INSERM - LIMICS)
Implementation of decision support methods and tools in the management of breast cancer patients.
- Round Table / Discussion : What do you envision as useful result?
6th Annual International Conference in Computational Surgery and Dual TrainingBORDEAUX INP
Building ENSEIRB-MATMECA. 1 Avenue du Dr A. Schweitzer - F 33 402 TALENCE
May 25-26, 2016

Este proyecto ha recibido fondos de la Unión Europea en el marco del programa de investigación e innovación Horizon 2020 con el número de acuerdo de subvención 690238.
Los autores quieren agradecer el conocimiento y las contribuciones de los miembros del consorcio.
The authors wish to thank all consortium members the knowledge and

Clinical needs of Breast Cancer Units.
- Ivan Macia (Vicomtech-IK4)
Overview of DESIREE project.
- John Winder (University of Ulster)
Image-based breast and tumour characterization.
- Remi Salmon (Department of Computer Science, University of Houston )
Predictive and Multiscale Modelling.
- Brigitte Séroussi and Jacques Bouaud (INSERM - LIMICS)
Implementation of decision support methods and tools in the management of breast cancer patients.
- Round Table / Discussion : What do you envision as useful result?
6th Annual International Conference in Computational Surgery and Dual TrainingBORDEAUX INP
Building ENSEIRB-MATMECA. 1 Avenue du Dr A. Schweitzer - F 33 402 TALENCE
May 25-26, 2016

Este proyecto ha recibido fondos de la Unión Europea en el marco del programa de investigación e innovación Horizon 2020 con el número de acuerdo de subvención 690238.
This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programmme under grant agreement No 690238.