25 mayo 2016

Multiscale modelling and decision support applied to breast cancer management the DESIREE project. H2020

Bilbomatica attended COSINE, where the project DESIREE was presented with the participation of many partners.

Multiscale modelling and decision support applied to breast cancer management the DESIREE project:

-  Barbara Bass (Houston Methodist Hospital)
  Clinical needs of Breast Cancer Units.

-  Ivan Macia (Vicomtech-IK4)
 Overview of DESIREE project.

-  John Winder (University of Ulster
Image-based breast and tumour characterization. 

-  Remi Salmon (Department of Computer Science, University of Houston ) 
Predictive and Multiscale Modelling. 

-  Brigitte Séroussi and Jacques Bouaud (INSERM - LIMICS) 
Implementation of decision support methods and tools in the management of breast cancer patients. 

- Round Table / Discussion : What do you envision as useful result?

6th Annual International Conference in Computational Surgery and Dual TrainingBORDEAUX INP
Building ENSEIRB-MATMECA. 1 Avenue du Dr A. Schweitzer - F 33 402 TALENCE

May 25-26, 2016

European UnioneHealth

Este proyecto ha recibido fondos de la Unión Europea en el marco del programa de investigación e innovación Horizon 2020 con el número de acuerdo de subvención 690238.

 Los autores quieren agradecer el conocimiento y las contribuciones de los miembros del consorcio.

This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programmme under grant agreement No 690238.

The authors wish to thank all consortium members the knowledge and