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16 septiembre 2014

WatchKit - HealthKit nuevas posibilidades SocioSanitarias

En el ámbito de los sistemas avanzados de salud, nos encontramos con la irrupción de los nuevos dispositivos "Wareables" , que abren nuevas posibilidades y nuevos escenarios de usos. Bilbomática consciente de la importancia de los mismos, se encuentra analizando las posibilidades que brindan y su integración en desarrollos orientados hacia los profesionales Socio-sanitarios.

Las opciones que inicialmente estamos analizando son las soportadas por Apple, basadas en Apple Watch y apoyadas en HealthKit, "HealthKit is a brand new framework that centralizes the data storage of personal health information. Learn from the framework authors how to save, query, and interpret health data to make your apps more engaging and personal for your users."

Os dejamos algunas entradas sobre HealthKit:

Apple Partners With Epic, Mayo Clinic For HealthKit
"Apple made a long-awaited entry into mobile health technology this week, previewing an iOS 8 app called Health, along with a HealthKit cloud API for integrating data from multiple apps and monitoring devices. Both got an instant credibility boost from partnerships with market-leading hospital software company Epic Systems and the prestigious Mayo Clinic....."  by

Two Apple medical trials shed light on how HealthKit will work
"Two prominent U.S. hospitals are preparing to launch trials with diabetics and chronic disease patients using Apple Inc's (AAPL.O) HealthKit, offering a glimpse of how the iPhone maker's ambitious take on healthcare will work in practice." by