24 enero 2017

Forecasting informatics competencies for nurses in the future of connected health.

Hoy recogemos la publicación titulada "Forecasting Informatics Competencies for
Nurses in the Future of Connected Health" Judy MURPHY, and William GOOSSEN (IBM, Washington DC, USA Results 4 Care BV, Amersfoort, the Netherlands)" del  Nursing Informatics Conference 2016 (NI 2016), os dejamos un indice con algunos de los trabajos significativos en este ámbito:

Nursing Informatics Education: From Automation to Connected Care (Diane J SKIBA University of Colorado College of Nursing)

Abstract: The use of health information technologies has evolved over the last 50 years. These technologies have moved from the automation of data and data processing to connected care tools that are part of a health care ecosystem that provides the best care at the point of care. To correspondence with the evolution of technologies and their disruptions within the health care delivery system, there is a need to re-examine the necessary competencies of health care professionals.

The Shifting Sands of Nursing Informatics 
Education: From Content to Connectivity (
Michelle HONEY and Paula PROCTER 
School of Nursing, University of Auckland, Auckland, NEWZEALAND 
Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield , UNITED KINGDOM

Abstract. This chapter considers the development of nurse education over the past
50 years and ventures a view towards 2020. A link will be made to the
introduction of informatics to nursing curricula. It is clear when looking over the
recent history of nurse education that it has moved from a medical model and
content driven apprentice mode to that of a reflective agile professional mode
where autonomous practice allows for collaboration in care and connectivity
between health professionals. Parallel to these pedagogical changes are the
introduction of informatics across healthcare, starting with computer skills and
moving through information management to decision support. The chapter will
conclude with some thoughts around the next possible steps forward for nursing
informatics education.

International Evolution of TIGER 
Informatics Competencies (
Joyce SENSMEIER, Christel ANDERSON and Toria SHAW 

Abstract. The TIGER Initiative aims to explain how to equip practicing nurses
with informatics competencies. This chapter describes a collaborative effort to
identify global informatics requirements in relation to core competencies and to
match them with national and regional needs. Recommendations from the TIGER
Informatics Competency Synthesis Project, described here, have implications for
an international framework of informatics competencies for all types of health care
professionals including nurses.

From Entry to Practice to Advanced Nurse Practitioner – The Progression of Competencies and How They Assist in Delivery of eHealth Programs for Healthy Ageing (Daragh RODGER and Pamela HUSSEY St Mary’s Campus, Phoenix Park, Dublin 20 School of Nursing and Human Science, Dublin City University, Dublin )

Abstract Most of the health issues encountered in persons of older age are the
result of one or more chronic diseases. The evidence base reports that chronic
diseases can be prevented or delayed by engaging in healthy behaviors. Education
provides a cost effective intervention on both economic grounds in addition to
delivery of optimal patient outcomes. Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) increasingly is viewed as a critical utility in eHealth delivery,
providing scope for expanding online education facilities for older persons.
Developing nursing competencies in the delivery of eHealth solutions to deliver
user education programs therefore makes sense. This chapter discusses nursing
competencies on the development of targeted eHealth programs for healthy ageing.
The role of Advanced Nurse Practitioner in Ireland and its associated competency
set identifies how a strong action learning model can be designed to deliver
eHealth educational programs for effective delivery of healthy ageing in place.

Nursing Competencies for Multiple 
Modalities of Connected Health 
Technologies  (
Kaija SARANTO, Charlene RONQUILLO and Olivia VELEZ 
University of Eastern Finland, Department of Health and Social Management, Finland School of Nursing, University of British Columbia, Canada Hudson River HealthCare, Inc. And ICF International, USA)

Abstract. An overview of the rapid and diverse number developments in health
information technologies (HIT) in recent years are described in this chapter and
the move towards more integrated and connected health is described. The
evolution of HIT is described as it has increased in complexity, diversity,
connectivity, and more recently, the move towards multiple modalities. Examples
of developments in various settings are represented from clinical settings, at home,
and in low-resource settings. The implications of the move towards multiple
modalities for nursing competencies and the move towards personalized and
connected health are discussed, highlighting important areas for consideration and
development in the future.

Si os ha parecido interesante podéis consultar la publicación aquí.

Series: Studies in Health Technology and Informatics
Volume 232 Published 2017
Editors Judy Murphy, William Goossen, Patrick Weber
ISBN 978-1-61499-737-5 (print) | 978-1-61499-738-2 (online)

En este ámbito de actuación Bilbomática dispone de NAIA Healcarecare que es una Solución innovadora que optimiza el trabajo de enfermería en cada una de las áreas asistenciales.  Está basada en el Proceso de Atención de Enfermería (PAE), las necesidades de  Virginia Henderson y las taxonomías NANDA, NOC y NIC.
Es una solución integrada e interoperativa con los Sistemas de Información Sanitarios (HIS), herramientas de captura de signos vitales y de reconocimiento de voz  y está diseñada para ser utilizada desde equipos móviles y fijos.
Las características mas importantes son:
  • - Agilidad y dinamismo en la gestión y planificación de cuidados de enfermería.
  • - Establecer una organización metodológica del trabajo de enfermería e integrada adecuadamente con otras aplicaciones sanitarias existentes.
  • - Permitir al personal de enfermería asignarse sus pacientes de forma ágil y sencilla, pudiendo realizar la gestión de camas.
  • - Generar planes de cuidados siguiendo la metodología del modelo NNN. Permitir trabajar con planes de cuidados estandarizados de acuerdo al diagnóstico y a la situación clínica del paciente. Estos planes de cuidados se pueden individualizar, adaptándolos a las necesidades de cada paciente.
  • - Complementar los datos necesarios para la atención del paciente, con un conjunto de registros entre los que se encuentran: datos al ingreso, constantes y otros parámetros, control de ingestas, registro heridas, úlceras, accidentes, dispositivos, etc..
  • - Incluir un conjunto de escalas de valoración (riesgo de úlceras por presión, riesgo de accidentes, valoración del dolor en adulto y niño, escalas neurológicas).
  • - Disponer cada grupo profesional de su propia agenda de trabajo. Las agendas de trabajo muestran los cuidados a realizar a cada paciente y se configuran mediante las actividades derivadas del plan de cuidados, de las órdenes médicas y de las prescripciones farmacológicas.
  • - Emitir informes de continuidad de cuidados, con el fin de asegurar el cuidado en otros niveles de atención sanitaria.
  • - Obtener indicadores de calidad y gestión de cuidados de enfermería e información sobre la utilización de los recursos: Indicadores de seguridad del paciente, de gestión de cuidados, de utilización.
  • - Garantizar la confidencialidad de los datos del paciente.